Coronavirus: things that help…


Alright, we’ve got work to do.  Coronavirus is in town, so it’s time we make sure we’ve got our bodies prepared for a good fight.

I know we’re all inundated with the regular admonitions about how to combat this bug — washing hands, social distancing, etc. — so I’m not going to repeat them.

What I am going to do is talk about things you can do, in addition to the regular stuff, to keep yourself in the low-risk camp, or as close to it as possible.

Many of you had questions about supplements and herbs you could use to help, should you get an infection, or to prepare yourself ahead of time.  And there are a handful of these that  I keep around in what I call my “Anti-Bug First Aid Kit”. (ABFAK – it’s not a real medical thing unless it has an acronym.)

I’m going to focus on those that are particularly good at fighting (or preparing your body to fight) viral infections, or that have shown promise in supporting your immune system generally.

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What you may not know about Vitamin D

Deficiency in Vitamin D is almost epidemic, even in the sunny South. But why?